The funds raised by La Randonnée Jimmy Pelletier and Spin-O-Cage allow us to acquire adapted material and sports equipment. These equipment are precious to begin a step in adapted sports and its loan increases considerably the accessibility, as much for the disabled person as for his family circle.
In concrete, these equipment allowed us to :
- To start off a hockey activity for all (the introduction of hockey to youths and teenagers with coordination acquisition disorder)
- To organize more than 15 initiation events and demonstration of adapted sports (para cycling discovery test clinic, para nordic skiing, curling in a wheelchair, sitting volleyball, sledge hockey, etc.)
- To manage and support activities of two para cycling clubs on a regular basis during summertime (loan of adapted bike for the first year of membership)
- To manage and support sledge hockey club activities
- To lend adapted equipment to families (loan of para nordic luge, loan of beach wheelchair Hippocampe)
The funds raised by La Randonnée Jimmy Pelletier will allow us to support the sector of Intellectual Disability (ID) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) of Patro Roc-Amadour. This sector offers different leisures services adapted to children, teenagers, adults and elders who live with an ID or a ASD. The main services offered are :
- Weekend respite summer camps and spring break camp at Camp O’Carrefour of Orleans Island.
- Day centre for elders (Club du Petit Bonheur)
- Social, cultural and sports activities for adults (Loisir +) offered at night and on the weekend from September to June and every day of the week in July and August.
- Social, cultural and sports activities for teenagers (Ados+) offered at night and on the weekend from September to June and every day of the week during the spring break and summer holidays.
- Activities after school (animated surveillance service) for ID – ASD clientel of La Citée High School offered every day of the week from September to June.
- Respite and transition centre for people over 21 years old living with a ASD (La Passerelle)
Patro Roc-Amadour gives nearly $1,5 millions/year to services intended to ID – ASD clientele. It is a major partner of the well being and integration of disabled people in the Quebec region.
THANKS to Mr. Jimmy Pelletier for his involvement and his support to Patro Roc-Amadour.